Located in east central Hardee County! The Carlton Group Mineral Branch Grove & Property is 99 +/- total acres consisting of 12 adjoining parcels ranging from 3 to 10 acres with 400 feet of frontage on Mineral Branch Road. There is 9 acres of Pasture/Woods with the remaining acreage currently in Early Mid oranges. The property borders and has 2,100 feet of creek frontage on Mineral Branch Creek. The hunting on this tract is plentiful as deer, hogs, and turkeys can be seen passing through the property daily. This multi-purpose parcel could be utilized for numerous homesteads, farming, nursery, sod, hay or cattle. There is (1) 12" well with a Case power unit. This entire property has the benefit of subsurface drain tile throughout while being ideal flat, non-bedded ground. The zoning is A-1 therefore each parcel with easement access qualifies as a buildable lot per Hardee County Zoning Department. Contact the Hardee County Zoning Department for any zoning questions at (863) 767-1964. Peace River Electric has a power line in front of the property.